Our Therapy is based in Modern Behavior Science
Positive Only Reinforcement
We use positive only reinforcement to modify behaviors. This creates a level of trust and love between all clients and therapists. We strive to determine why our loved ones act the way they do. Once we know why someone does something, we can help them find better ways to get their wants and needs met or expand their skills. No Limits also takes a functional analysis approach to figuring out our loved ones behaviors. We won’t just create a hypothesis and go based off of that. We will always perform an analysis to ensure we know what is happening and why before we ever attempt to change a behavior.
We take a trauma informed care model of ABA. This means we put SAFETY as our number one priority. We will not push our clients into behaviors to allow the severe problem behavior to continue. We will shape the behaviors we want to see without ever having a client go into their severe problem behavior. We put client dignity and care at the forefront of everything we do.
Trauma Informed Care
Personalized Environments
We believe everyone is most comfortable when they can change their surroundings. We have multiple rooms that we change based on the needs of the client
We provide both in home and in center ABA services in Colorado Springs to children of all ages (including adults) and all diagnoses.
Skill areas that may be worked on include:
Communication and Language Skills
Social and Group Skills
Cognitive and Academic Skills
Daily Living and Self Help Skills
Caregiver Training
Behavior Management
We also will never turn any child away for having “severe” behaviors or behaviors that others do not want to work with. Our son Kreed was one of those children that few ever wanted to work with due to being difficult. As he got older, with effective treatment and communication, he became a child everyone wanted to work with. There is no such thing as a child being too severe for treatment. We also work with children and adults that are medically fragile or may have terminal diagnosis. Again, we have seen too many children and adults turned away because of their medical or terminal diagnosis. Again, our son was one of those children. He could not help that he both had severe behaviors and severe medical conditions.
All are welcome at No Limits!